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Most business owners work a lifetime building an organization so they can convert it to capital at retirement that will replace their income. What they usually discover is, after the sale, there is not enough capital left to do the job. Increasing the net proceeds from a sale is NOT best done at the last minute. It is the result of long range planning. This is what BMI Consulting can do for you. When is the best time to start the process? We call this the “Red Zone.” It is the final minutes of the succession game. It is the distance between where you are today, and where you plan to be when you are finally ready to turn off the lights for the last time. BMI has written a booklet available at no cost to business owners that can help jump start your thinking process as you approach retirement. It gives an introduction to the issues and opportunities available to you as you enter the Red Zone. Proper implementation can help you run up the score as you sprint to retirement. It gives an introduction to the issues and opportunities available and can help you run up the score in The Red Zone.